
Happy solstice. Here are some scenes from the last few weeks in the garden.

Wild artichokes (Cynara syriaca) in the gloaming of a snowy, winter day.

In section B, looking west.

In section A looking east.







Chinese figwort or xuan shen
in section A. Ah, grey winter days in Seattle. This picture says it all.

The Standish’s honeysuckle (Lonicera standishii) is flowering along Stevens Way near Cascara Circle. It’s deliciously fragrant.

Rhododendron species in section D border, flowering in December after a warm November.








I expect Camellia japonica to flower in late winter but not like this, before solstice.

It was warm enough that the seeds of xu duan (Dipsacus asper) in section B sprouted on the plant, a phenomenon known as vivipary.

Leaves of canyon grape (Vitis arizonica) north of section B. Maybe, just maybe it will produce fruit next year.








Leaf of common greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia) changing color in section B.

Chestnut tree/bush (Castanea sativa) near the bus stop. It could be a while before it’s producing nuts but it grew a lot this year.


It’s a short post for this short, threshold day. If ever there were a time for quiet reflection, winter solstice seems like that time. Longer nights give us more time to dream, but only if we take the time for more sleep. There’s no shortage of tragic messes playing out in the world but we can’t do much about them if we’re exhausted.  On that note, I’m going to bed.




sun low in the sky

day breaks late, night comes early

that’s winter solstice





See you in the garden.

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One Response to Solstice

  1. Lisa Morrrow says:

    Yes. Thank you, Keith.

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